First of all, what is a microchip? For pets, a microchip is a small electronic identification tag, so small (about the size of a grain of rice) that it is inserted by a needle just under the skin between your cat's shoulder blades. If you're worried about this procedure hurting your cat, fear not, it's a really quick, safe and easy procedure with rarely ever any side effects. Compared to a tag on your cats collar, a microchip is permanent and never needs to be removed once implanted.

If your cat ever goes missing and is found by someone or caught by animal control, it can be taken directly to the vet or cat management facility and they can scan your cat for a microchip. If there is a microchip detected they can retrieve your details immediately and reunite your beloved pet with you at home, safe and sound. The microchip has a unique code which is matched to your details on an online registry, allowing you to update the details when needed.
"Most of us don’t want to think of the worst case scenario until it happens. Whether your cat runs away from the cat sitter, escapes during a party, or bolts after hearing a slew of fireworks, having your cat microchipped can be a lifesaver" - PetMD
How Much Does Microchipping Your Cat Cost?
Microchipping is a very low-cost procedure. Call your local vet and they can provide you with more information. If you adopt a rescue pet, they normally come microchipped, saving you from worrying about organising or paying for the procedure yourself.
Benefits of Microchipping
Permanent: Almost all owners buy a collar for their cat which includes the cat's name and your contact details. This is great and be a quick way for someone to return your pet to you without taking it to be scanned for a microchip. But what happens if the collar falls off, they pull out of it, or it breaks? A microchip is permanent and reduces the risk of your pet being lost forever. Otherwise, how is someone to know the lost pet is yours?
Proof of Ownership: There can often be disputes over pet ownership. If your pet is lost or stolen, and you happen to find it in someone else's possession, you want to be able to prove that you are the legal owner of your pet. A microchip linked to your details is proof of ownership.
Lifetime Value: The great thing about a microchip - they last forever. Once your pet has been implanted with a microchip, you never have to worry about it again. Giving you a lifetime of peace of mind!

Recent studies have shown that cats with microchips are 20 times more likely to be returned to their owners than cats who aren't microchipped.
Keeping Your Pet's Microchip Details up to Date
What happens if you move home or change your contact details? Keeping your pet's microchip details up to date is easy and accessible to everyone!
Online you'll find the Pet Address search engine. With your pet's microchip number, you can search the database for your pet. If your number is found, you'll be directed to the database for further information. How handy is that?
Not sure what your pet's microchip number is? If you have a pet certificate, it should be noted on there, otherwise you can contact your veterinarian l who may have the details on their database or can scan your pet to tell you.
We don't like to think of the worst case scenario, but if we do we can be the best prepared for it. There's no denying that we all love our pets, they're part of the family! If bad news strikes and your pet does become lost, you can find some peace knowing if it's found, it will be reunited with your family. Microchipping is part of being a responsible pet owner and it adds an extra measure of security for your beloved pet.