Microchipping your cat
"Most of us don’t want to think of the worst case scenario until it happens. Whether your cat runs away from the cat sitter, escapes during a party, or bolts after hearing a slew of fireworks, having your cat microchipped can be a lifesaver" - PetMD
Do I have to microchip my cat?
Under the Cat Management Act 2009, from 1 March 2022, all cats must be microchipped by four months of age. Exemptions to microchipping will apply where a vet certifies that microchipping may adversely affect the health and welfare of the cat.
What is a microchip?
A microchip is a small electronic identification tag that is inserted by needle just under the skin between your cat's shoulder blades. The procedure is quick, safe and easy and side effects are very uncommon. The microchip is implanted permanently, making it much more reliable than a tag on your cat’s collar.
How does it work?
If your cat ever goes missing and ends up at a cat management facility, shelter or vet clinic, they will be scanned for a microchip. The microchip contains a unique identification number that is linked to you, the owner, through an online microchip registry. The microchip registry safely stores your address and contact details so your cat can be returned to you if they become lost. If you move or change your phone number, make sure you update your details with the online registry. Visit www.petaddress.com.au to find out where your cat's microchip details are lodged.
How much does it cost?
Microchipping is a low-cost procedure. Contact your local vet clinic to find out more information.
Collar and identification tag
While microchipping your cat provides them with a permanent method of identification, the addition of a collar with an identification tag is a good idea as it will immediately show other people that your cat is a beloved pet and not a stray cat. Identifying your cat with a collar is important to potentially save your cat the unnecessary stress of being trapped and transported to a cat management facility, should someone in your neighbourhood be concerned your cat is lost or a stray.
Make sure you use a quick-release collar so your cat can free themselves if the collar becomes caught on vegetation or other obstacles.