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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to desex my cat?
    Yes, under the Cat Management Act 2009, from 1 March 2022, all cats over the age of four months must be desexed. Exemptions will apply where a vet certifies that desexing may adversely affect the health and welfare of the cat, or if the cat is owned for the purpose of breeding by a registered breeder or the holder of a cat breeding permit in relation to the cat. There are many benefits to having your cat desexed: - It stops unwanted litters, reducing the problem and costs of unwanted pets - It increases your cat's life expectancy - It reduces undesirable behaviours, such as spraying, fighting, roaming and yowling To read more about desexing your cat, see Getting your cat desexed.
  • Do I have to microchip my cat?
    Yes, under the Cat Management Act 2009, from 1 March 2022, all cats over the age of four months must be microchipped. Exemptions to microchipping will apply where a vet certifies that microchipping may adversely affect the health and welfare of the cat. A microchip is a small electronic tag that is inserted just under the skin between your cat's shoulder blades and provides a permanent method of identification. If your cat ever goes missing and ends up at a cat management facility, shelter or vet clinic, they will be scanned for a microchip and you will be contacted. Microchipping significantly increases the likelihood of being reunited with your cat should they go missing. Did you know? 9 out of 10 cats that go missing are never reunited with their owners. To find out more about how microchipping works visit our Microchipping your cat page.
  • How do I keep my cat safely on my property?
    Containing your cat on your property is the best way of ensuring its safety and protecting native wildlife. Here are a few simple ways to keep your cat from roaming: 1. Keep your cat indoors 2. Install or build an outdoor cat run or enclosure 3. Install cat-proof fencing or cat netting Cats do not need to roam to be happy and fulfilled. For tips on how to transition your cat indoors, read more about Keeping your cat happy at home Find out how to purchase or build cat enclosures and fencing on our Cat containment solutions page
  • Should I feed a cat that is not my own?
    No. The large number of stray cats in Tasmania is causing serious harm to our native wildlife and costing livestock farmers over a million dollars each year due to cat-borne diseases. Although your intention is to help, feeding stray unowned cats will only worsen the problem. Most stray cats are not desexed and will be able to reproduce prolifically if they are being fed. Here's what you can do instead: 1. Take the cat to your local vet or cat management facility to find out if the cat has an owner. If possible, try to return the cat to its owner. 2. If the cat is not microchipped it should be taken to a cat management facility. Please contact your nearest cat management facility and they will be able to assist you. Visit our Resources page to see about roaming cats and where to find your nearest cat management facility.
  • What can I do about a roaming domestic/stray cat on my property?
    You can cat-proof your yard. Our Nuisance Cats factsheet contains some handy tips and tricks on how you might do this. If you know who the owner of the cat is, try addressing the problem directly with them. Have a look on our Cats in the neighbourhood page for tips on engaging with your neighbours about nuisance cats. Under the Cat Management Act 2009 a person is permitted to trap a cat on their private property, as long as any cat that is trapped is either returned to their owner, taken to a cat management facility, or their nominee, within 24 hours of being trapped. Traps must be checked at least once every 24-hour period after the trap is first set. Before setting a trap, a person should first contact a cat management facility to understand the facility's processes for accepting a cat, operating hours, and any associated fees. You should not take a cat to a cat management facility without contacting the facility first. For more information and the 'Guidelines to trapping cats in urban and peri-urban areas' visit our Cats in the neighbourhood page.
  • Can I breed my cats?
    Anyone wishing to breed a cat in Tasmania from 1 March 2022 is required to be a member of a recognised cat organisation or apply for a conditional permit to breed a cat. Visit the NRET website for more information on how you will be able to apply for a conditional permit to breed a cat. With so many unwanted cats and kittens surrendered and euthanased each year, why not consider adopting from a cat management facility instead?
  • Can I sell or give away unwanted cats?
    Any cat that is to be sold or given away must be at least eight weeks old, desexed and microchipped, wormed and vaccinated prior to sale. In addition, written evidence of the results of a general health check must be provided by a vet. Exemptions to microchipping or desexing apply if a vet certifies microchipping or desexing may adversely affect the health and welfare of the cat, or if the purchaser is a registered breeder or is the holder of a breeding permit in relation to the cat. From 1 March 2022, a person selling or giving away a cat will no longer have the option to enter into a care agreement on the sale of the cat. Cats may also be surrendered to a cat management facility for re-homing. It is illegal to abandon unwanted cats in Tasmania.
  • Is there a limit to the number of cats I can have?
    Under the Cat Management Act 2009, from 1 March 2022, a person must not keep more than four cats over the age of four months on an individual property. The limit of four cats will not apply to: - a person who holds a multiple cat permit - registered cat breeders - a person who holds a cat breeding permit - a person fostering a cat for a cat management facility or an approved organisation - cat boarding facilities or veterinary establishments - a person who is minding another person’s cat for less than six months.​ Further information about multiple cat permits is available on the NRET website.
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TassieCat is a state-wide initiative to promote and facilitate responsible cat ownership and management in Tasmania. The project is supported by Cradle Coast Authority NRM, NRM North and Ten Lives through funding from the Tasmanian Government.

© Tasmanian Cat Management Project 2021

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